Sugar Free Chocolate For Diabetics

I have always loved my clients and they love me too. Most of my clients have developed an inclination towards me because I provide them with tailor made pralines, bonbon and other chocolate confectionary as per their wish. However, this time it wasn’t as easy as I thought. I faced an interesting challenge to create sugar free chocolate for a diabetic.
While hearing to this particular client I was astounded and puzzled of how to help her. She has been my chocolate lover since a long time and now she came up a problem – her doctor diagnosed, she is a diabetic. Due to this medical condition, the first thing she had to stop eating was her favorite chocolates. Hence, she wanted me to create sugar free chocolate for diabetics to help her.
Initially, I loved the idea as I thought I would get a chance to try something new but as I started working on her order, I realized, that I need some sweetness to make the bitter good. I understood the sugar serves two functions in the chocolates:
- Taste as It helps in balancing the bitter taste of cocoa and make it bitterly sweet.
- Texture – sugar puts an impact on the viscosity of the chocolate. Hence, it affects the texture and form of the end product.
As I worked ahead, I could find plenty of alternatives for the sweetness but replacing any other ingredient with sugar was difficult. Creating sugar free chocolate for diabetic turned out to be an intimidating task to create a recipe, that does not contain sugar but tastes and feels as if it has sugar in it.
The Challenges faced to create intense sugar free chocolate for diabetic
- Find a sugar free or no added sugar Couverture (Chocolate) – Most of the chocolates are available in market contain sugar and hence, I wanted a sugar free couverture to use in my recipe.
- Find an alternative for sugar – I found Maltilol and it is an expensive substance to add to my pralines and bonbon.
- I wanted to create the same intense and indulgent texture for my client without sugar.
- I realized, sugar adds more charm to the chocolates rather than just sweetness.
The chocolatier in me took this as a challenge and I always knew that the finest Belgium Chocolate from Callebaut is going to help me create some distinguished sugar free chocolates for diabetics.
The finest Belgium chocolate along with the indulging natural flavours and a secret ingredient helped me through my way. I added unique blends to create the perfect and devouring chocolate pralines, bonbon; and when it came to sweetness, I added a natural sweetener called Maltilol. This secret ingredient is as good as sugar in sweetness but lesser in carbs, calories and extremely safe for my diabetic patient.
After extensive research I found these sugar free chocolate for diabetic to create awesome recipes for my client:
- MALCHOC Dark Chocolate with no added sugar
- MALCHOC Milk Chocolate with no added sugar
- MALCHOC White Chocolate with no added sugar
These are the best sugar free chocolate available in India for creating sugar free chocolate for your diabetic clients.
I got a sigh of relief and I created exceptional recipes of sugar free chocolate for diabetic based on my own experiences and references from Callebaut’s sugar free recipes listed below:
- Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Ganache for Moulded Pralines - The dark chocolate ganache would demand and indulgent chocolaty flavour. Especially, piping and moulding into pralines, you need an intense chocolate taste. This recipe has been guaranteed for the best taste and an ideal piping texture.
- Sugar Free Chocolate Spread - I used the best Belgium sugar free dark chocolate to create intense, dark and sugar free chocolate spread for my client. She loved the idea as she could pair this sugar free chocolate spread with her fruits, breads and so on.
These recipes helped me create some of the best sugar free chocolate for diabetics and now I can always see a smiling face of my client.
Challenges are a part of life and this was a strong challenge for the chocolatier in me. I definitely wanted to retain my client forever but I just did not want to lose her hope and loose in front of her condition. I am happy to serve her the sugar free chocolate for diabetic. Now, she can indulge into her passion with no worries of eating any added sugar.
If you have a similar experience with one of your diabetic client, I would love to hear your experience and the way you handled it. Feel free to comment below.